Andy'S iter.

what is a blog

blogging feels weird.

I've started blogging recently and I actually have no idea what it is. From my understanding, it's just a place where thoughts are updated regularly by the blogger. Issue is I'm wondering if there are any expectations to the type of content.

I've seen educational, philosophy, rants, and sometimes just plain gibberish. The answer like many is subjective, nothing wrong with any as it's a site to share writing. Just the nature of it feels wrong.

It's like I'm coming to a formal party dressed casual. A giant party where some wear suits while others wear silly furry costumes. Maybe the question isn't what to wear but where I should sit. Does that make sense? Less about fitting in but creating a niche for yourself so you can confidently write knowing it's you, own your voice.

Side note, gibberish is my favourite type of blog. Makes the site much more unserious and welcoming for me. Feels like I can just write with little expectations to be good. Also, there's so many good bloggers that don't appear on the front page. Been reading the Imperfect Blog, good reads IMO.
